On the morning of Dec. 12, 2007, Dr. Jan Raa, Norway's pre-eminent biologist, unconventional, brash, intensely curious, had a meeting with Kurt Tande, a former student, now a biology professor and part owner of a modest fishery. Kurt wanted Dr. Raa's assistance on a project Kurt was working on. The meeting changed the course of both men's lives and led to quite possibly Dr. Raa's greatest health discovery.
Over a cup of coffee, Kurt explained to Dr. Raa that his company had designed eco-friendly technology to harvest Calanus finmarchicus, an incredibly abundant Arctic sea shrimp-like organism that, until now, was not feasible to harvest. Kurt believed the beautiful ruby oil inside Calanus finmarchicus yielded a pollutant free superior source of essential fatty acids. His company had developed a gentle process to extract the ruby oil.
But there was something else… After Kurt completed his first small harvest for testing purposes, he and his colleagues had begun taking one gram of the extracted ruby oil every day as a substitute for daily fish oil supplementation. They weren't prepared for what happened.
Almost immediately Kurt noticed a surge of endurance, both at work and during his leisure skiing and hiking trips! More astounding… a colleague reported that his belly was shrinking, but he hadn't changed his diet or life style. His colleague's wife was happy too. Her husband's ability in all areas of physical activity had increased!
These effects Kurt could only attribute to the ruby oil. Neither he nor his colleague's had these effects, or anything like them, from taking fish oil or krill oil, nor had they ever heard of anything like them associated with fish oil, or krill oil.
Kurt asked Dr. Raa if he could take a closer look at the composition of the ruby oil and come up with ideas on how it was able to produce these wonderful health benefits.
Dr. Raa paused. During his long career as a biology professor and researcher he had become aware of a phenomenon that happened when he was about to make a game changing discovery. Seemingly unrelated events would come together in a manner that propelled him towards the new discovery. It felt like that was happening now.
A week before the meeting with Kurt, Dr. Raa had been asked for his advice on improving the diet for a large salmon farming operation. The owners were at their wits end. They had carefully formulated a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, lipids, and fatty acids, a diet far superior, they thought, than was available to wild salmon, and yet, unlike wild salmon, the farmed salmon developed pot bellies!
Indeed when examined their stomachs revealed large deposits of visceral fat never found in wild salmon. Wild salmon primarily ate Calanus finmarchicus.
That same week Dr. Raa read two articles that mentioned Calanus finmarchicus. The first article was about the mind boggling endurance feats of a small arctic bird called the “little Auk”. Pound for pound, it was considered the endurance champion of the Arctic. The bird could fly enormous distances staying aloft for days. The little Auk ate one thing, and one thing only, Calanus finmarchicus. And the little Auk itself was traditionally eaten only by Eskimos, who never got obesity related diabetes and heart disease.
The second article was about the extraordinary life span of the mighty Bowhead whale, in excess of 230 years! Bowhead whales have perhaps the world's strongest immune system. Cardio vascular disease, cancer, diabetes, inflammation, are unheard of in these exceptionally long lived creatures.
Scientists looked closely at the Bowhead's diet. They believed there had to be a connection between what Bowhead whales ate, and how long they lived. Bowhead's enormous nutritional needs are such that only one food on the planet can meet them, and that food is only found in the Arctic seas, Calanus finmarchicus! It's why, unlike most whales, Bowheads don't migrate.
Even more intriguing to Dr. Raa, the scientists studying the Bowhead’s diet concluded that Calanus finmarchicus must contain something that baffled them. This something could very well be the reason nature chose Calanus finmarchicus to be the staple of Bowhead whales. It's what scientists call X factor, the mysterious unquantifiable essence that apparently makes Calanus finmarchicus considerably more powerful than science currently has an explanation.
And now Kurt and his colleagues experiencing endurance leaps, plus reports of gut fat reduction!
Dr. Raa told Kurt he was extremely interested in analyzing and testing his ruby oil (soon to be named Arctic Ruby® Oil) at the University. They would begin immediately.